南海稳锐锁厂为泰力实业国际有限公司旗下工厂,地处于经济发达的佛山市南海区,是一家专业生产不锈钢、全铜挂锁、家居锁具、感应智能锁具以及其配件的企业。成立于2006年,稳锐锁厂已经在同行锁业中获得较高的市场竞争优势和产品知名度,经过近5年的发展,稳锐锁具遍布国内各个城市,以及海外多个国家。其中,欧洲,东南亚是我公司主要的销售市场。随着人们的安全防范意识不断提高,全世界的安全性能面临很大的挑战,用户对锁具的防撬,防扭、防锯防开功能也相应的增加,在这方面稳锐锁厂有信心满足各层次的不同需求,我厂不但有也市场相适应的开发和生产能力,更具备优化现有产品,设计新型产品的能力。我公司自引入自动化的生产设备和采用有效的企业管理模式,生产效率已经得到很大的提高,Mlocks和SCANPOWER是我公司的核心品牌,主要针对挂锁市场,目前,我公司生产的全铜挂锁,不锈钢挂锁的资粮得到同行认可,“安全与众不同,质量始终如一”是我公司一直奉行的生产理念。本公司奉行以质量求生存,以管理求效益,以创新求发展的经营方针,本着开拓创新,合作发展,客户至上的宗旨服务于世界各国的贸易伙伴及国内所有锁具经销商============================Foshan WENRUI LOCK Factory is under SCANPOWER Industrial Co., Ltd.., Wentui is located in Foshan City which which is the 3rd developed city in Guangdong Province. Established in 2006, our company has enjoyed a good reputation in locking industries. WENRUI has developed a good market share in Europe, Asia and Ameriaca; customers include retailers, wholesalers, locksmiths, trader, architects and security dealers.We are specialized in manufacturing a wide range of locking solutions to residential housing, commercial building, hotels and industrial application markets. Padlocks, Mortise handle lockset & card locks are our three core products, combined with others door accessories.Mlocks andSCANPOWER are our bands in padlock market, with a well-establish reputation for high quality and comprehensive security products. We provide stainless steel padlock, brass padlock, stainless steel case padlock and combination lock.We also professionally produce Mortise handle lockset & card locks for houses, offices factories and hotels. Card locks is one of our new products in 2009, with the latest card reader ; it will enjoy a wide range market. |